Current Point Standings
To view the most current point standings list, please click on the link to the right. Following each points event, the ESWHSA does its best to update the points / standings list as soon as possible. If your most recent points event has not yet been posted, please check soon.
Point SystemFor Ranch Point System please refer to ECCRA: click Here
If there should not be as many as six entries in a designated class, then the points will count down with the first place receiving the total number of points corresponding to the number of entries in the class.
If you are unable to attend the awards banquet it is YOUR responsibility to make arrangements to receive your awards. This system of accumulating points will apply in all pointed classes in all ESWHSA SHOWS. Points will be awarded to the first six places in each point class on the following basis: |
In The Event Of A Tie
There will be no ties for year end awards. If two (2) horses are tied for points, the winner will be the horse with the most times shown in that class, if both have the same number of showings, the winner will be the horse with the most first placings in that class. If both have the same number of wins, then second place ribbons will determine the winner. This system will continue on down through sixth place. If the tie cannot be broken, duplicate awards will be given.
Permanent Back Numbers
Permanent back numbers will be used.
There will be no ties for year end awards. If two (2) horses are tied for points, the winner will be the horse with the most times shown in that class, if both have the same number of showings, the winner will be the horse with the most first placings in that class. If both have the same number of wins, then second place ribbons will determine the winner. This system will continue on down through sixth place. If the tie cannot be broken, duplicate awards will be given.
Permanent Back Numbers
Permanent back numbers will be used.
General Rules & Regulations
The Eastern Shore Western Horse Show Association and Board of Directors will not be held responsible for injuries, damages or loss of property incurred at any show in the circuit. UNDER DELAWARE LAW an equine professional is not liable for an injury to, or the death of a participant in equine activities, resulting from the inherent risk of equine activities, Pursuant to Delaware Code 10 CH 81 Section 8140
- Photographer and personal photos that are taken during and around show grounds may be used in our social media.
- Exhibitors must have in their possession a NEGATIVE COGGINS TEST on each animal at each and every show. Coggins papers must be dated within twelve (12) months of the date of the show at which they are presented. Horses without negative Coggins papers will be asked to leave the show grounds.
- The office fee will be a Eight dollars ($8.00) per horse per judge charge. This "ESWHSA OFFICE FEE" will be paid at the entry booth at each show.
- Upon entering the ring, full western attire including western boots, long sleeve shirt and hat will be required by all exhibitors in all classes except Pleasure Driving, English Pleasure, English Walk Trot, English Equitation and Hunter in Hand.
- All animals must be serviceably sound in the opinion of the judge. The judge's decision on soundness is final and cannot be protested.
- Any animal fourteen (14.2) hands and over will be considered a horse. Any animal under fourteen (14.2) hands is considered a pony. Registered horses and ponies will be shown as REGISTERED no matter the height.
- All exhibitors in Youth Classes must be eighteen (18) years of age or under as of January 1.
- All judges will be hired by the show committee of each show, subject to the approval of the Eastern Shore Western Horse Show Association Judges Committee, at least (60) days prior to the show date. A list of approved judges will be provided to each show committee.
- All judges’ decisions will be considered final.
- Unruly and/or unsafe horses can be excused from the show grounds by the Show Committee. Exhibitors can be asked to leave the show grounds for unsportsmanlike behavior, for failure to control a horse, or for abusing a horse
- A Youth may not exhibit a stallion in any class including miniature classes.
- Any exhibitor may be denied privileges of the association for failure to pay, when due, any obligation owed to the association, or to any show sponsor for giving a worthless check, for any fees or charges including bank charges for returned checks. Written notice of amount due will be mailed to exhibitor along with intentions to deny privileges. Any denial of privileges shall terminate upon payment of the obligation due.
- All horses must have their assigned show numbers displayed upon entering show ring. Numbers to be dark on a white background. If number not displayed properly the judge at his/her discretion may disqualify the horse/exhibitor.
- Points earned in open classes will go to the horse with the exception of English Equitation and Walk Jog.These points go to the rider.
- Under no circumstances will any unethical conduct or behavior be tolerated by any board member or attendee at any ESWHSA show and/or function. Such behavior will result in immediate dismissal of a board member by the President. Attendees displaying such behavior will be asked to leave the function. The ESWHSA will follow the rules outlined in the AQHA Official Handbook of Rules and Regulations []
- PROTEST AND DISPUTES - All protests must be submitted to the Show Committee, and must be accompanied by $100.00 in cash on the day of the show in question. The Show Committee consists of the ESWHSA Executive Board (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and the appropriate Show Manager. They will decide the legitimacy of the protest and if the situation warrants, will approach the show secretary of the day. From this meeting a Final Decision will be rendered. If any situation occurs which should not be specifically covered in this rulebook, a decision of the same shall be rendered by the ESWHSA Board of Directors present at the time. This decision shall be considered to be final. A judge's decision on unsoundness cannot be protested.
- Mystery Jackpots have been added to all shows/all judges. results to be announced at the year end banquet. For details see the rules.
- The Class fees are $8.00 per class/per judge. Includes Horses, Mini & Ponies. ($16.00 per class)
- Office Fee: $8.00 per Horse/Mini/Pony/per judge ($16.00 per Horse/Mini/Pony)